Monday Week 12

Back from holidays

Stage 2 Chemistry: The group were up to date on assignments so I’d organised some revision Elemental and Environmental Chemistry, Back Titration and a some revision from stage 1 about balancing redox equations – Zoe will go through the latter in a couple of weeks so the small head start should allow them to concentrate on detail rather than the broad concepts involved. The seemed fairly confident around most of these points but had forgotten too much and the reminder should be useful. I’ve posted these activities on edmodo so the group can access them when needed.

10 B Science: Okay the class struggled a little as a whole (there were individuals who coped splendidly) when asked to show some independence in their learning, they were looking to me too often rather than thinking. (I know this because it was usually fairly easy to lead them through to conclusions and ideas by asking questions). So I organised the practicals and activities (or at least the paper based ones) together as a single document (I wanted no more then 10 pages so it’s quite tightly packed – I deliberately kept the font a readable size) Task book 2013 so they know what’s coming up and can work on unfinished parts at home. My aim is for them to be preparing a little before hand and ask questions at the start of lessons to check they know what to do. This is our aim ”

The atomic structure and properties of elements are used to organise them in the Periodic Table.

Different types of chemical reactions are used to produce a range of products and can occur at different rates”

We’ve looked a little at the periodic table but will keep coming back when we ask about why the reactions take place. We’ve now started looking at the types of chemical reactions. The practical work is backed up with a set of power points which I’ll print off as summary sheets so that students can use them to annotate rather than copying.


10 F Science: We reviewed the periodic table – this was a bit more than a refresher as I wanted them to have the ideas of electrons shells we looked at at then end of last term before the halide practical so that they can understand the similarity of the reactions. I think I was successful with a few. I originally wasn’t going to go with the “self guided” system I’m using with my other year 10 class but on reflection there are a number of students in this class who could really benefit from the opportunity to move on ahead while I shepherd the rest. Anyway we successfully completed the halide practical (all but one group did it correctly with some support – so that was good). For this class I created an alternative set of tasks Alternative Tasks for students who can’t manage to work safely – mainly for the protection of those around them. In these tasks I provide them with the results and ask them questions to create conclusions and discussions so I can still grade them around the expectations of this course.

Not my most lucid post, sorry.

Wednesday and Thrusday Week 11

Wednesday was Parent Interview night and I wasn’t fully recovered so I just got home and collapsed.

Stage 1 Physics Tute: We covered errors, how to format an effective Physics practical report and did some review work on angles of reflection and the cause of colours. This tute format is not working. The students who miss this session don’t seem to tackle the questions, as far as I can tell the answers I do with audio don’t get downloaded and I avoid doing some of the practice at the point of learning because I’m saving it for the tute and can’t afford to have new learning spill over into the tute time. I need a holiday rethink about this.

10 F Science: I did the group one metals demonstration (included a video on the cesium explosion) and looked at the organisation of the periodic table and how it related to the reactivity of the group one metals.

8 Science: Short lesson today due to parent interviews. I was planning on doing a couple of practical investigations around making metamorphic “rocks” from foods. Only got to do the bread one as a lot of re-focusing was required this lesson (excited about getting out 45 minutes early and reports etc …) Metamorphic Rocks Power Point

10B Science: Finished off the demonstrations I didn’t manage on Monday to tie in metals and their shared reactions but different reactivities. The task I set on Tuesday got garbled in translation and the students thought they had to create their work on the iPads. They found that extremely difficult. Two students went away and created pages of their own volition – initiative and perceptiveness in one go. I congratulated them heartily. I’ll scan the pages and post them up here. For the rest of the lesson I wanted to do theory around the structure of the atom and the ways in which one atom differed from the next. I used a couple of PhET simulations one on the Rutherford model – just to roughly explain why we think the atom looks the way we think it does – and another about making atoms so we could look at protons, neutrons, electrons, charge, full shells etc. I think the class took on board part of this but I’ll need to keep revisiting and using the periodic table to emphasis. No homework it’s the last week. I’m going to have to work a lot harder to get these students to start blogging about their science knowledge, at the moment I think they’re working on the tactic that if they ignore it long enough it will go away.

10 F Science: The structure of the atom work as above. On the way out the class did a couple of quizzes on the PhET simulation about making atoms where, with a little initial prompting, they got everything right. So well done them.

Stage 2 Physics Tute: I spent most of this lesson watching the students work on excel as they were writing up their practical from the previous week. I did give some help about ways to manipulate the data and structure their analysis but I have a hard time letting go and not doing any out and out teaching.


Monday and Tuesday Week 11

I was sick. I went home at Recess on Monday.

Stage 2 Chemistry Tute: We worked on the reports for the volumetric analysis of the concentration of ethanoic acid in white wine. The calculations were done correctly and I worked them to try and match their reports to the assessment plan. I suggested they tick off each bit as they do it. We also reviewed Chromatography and the relationship between Rf values and polarity. Very briefly at the end we reviewed AAS.

10 B Science: This is about when the lurgie hit me. I did hand out periodic tables (I’d put a lot of time into choosing the right ones) and I demonstrated the reactivity of the group one metals and got the students to record this on the sheet I’d prepared. I made hydrogen gas (a bit slow, didn’t get the Aluminium foil far enough in the sodium hydroxide solution). Through being fumbled fingered (I think the room might have been starting to spin at this point) the gas escaped.

10 F Science: Set a video on chemistry and worksheet on the history of nylon (as we’re going to be making new chemicals as part of our chemistry unit). I would suspect this wasn’t a great success but I’ll see when I return.


I missed Tuesday and I like Tuesdays

Stage 1 Physics: I had practicals planned but settled for a relief where they worked on their practical reports (short double) with some help from resources I’d put on edmodo about resonance.

10 B Science: I think I was slightly ambitious with this task – research one of the first 30 elements – each person a different one – and then arrange their A4 pages as a periodic table – Class cooperation. I don’t think this will have happened as I imagined in my fevered brain this morning.

Friday Week 10

8 Science: Wow! we were making sedimentary rocks, or approximations there or, from mixtures of sand, plaster, gravel and water organised by the students and they left the lab mess free! They enjoyed the process too, some making more than they needed. The next step is for them to design a test for the strength of their rocks – ideas are already being suggested. Here’s the task Making Sedimentary Rocks version 2. It’s version 2 because I wrote it up once and then couldn’t find the file so I had to do it again. We then moved to the library where most of the students completed their What are Rocks? preliminary essay. I really enjoyed how to make pet rocks. I think I previously mentioned but the aim is to present them with the same task after our learning (which is game/project based and independent except for some explicit teaching and practicals from me). Those who finished could access iPads to start the research into the type of rock I’ve set them. On another point four of the class came out and did a wonderful job helping out on Open Night – mostly they made slime but they also got to visit Home Ec, and the sausage sizzle and the slushy maker, they also enjoyed the dissections Mr Dixon had organised (too much blood and gore for me).

10 F Science: Tiny group today. We used some directed questions to review Newton’s Three Laws with some degree of success but I think they’re slipping into holiday mode.

11 Physics: Assessment practical Practical Investigation 2 happened today – finding the speed of sound from resonance in pipes. The group mostly got excellent answers (although one group posted a speed of 385m/s for one of their tests) that corresponded well to the speed of sound according to the temperature. This did lead into a discussion around calibrating instruments when we compared all the thermometers and found a range of 4 degrees across the group. I also need to reinforce the idea of percentage errors and uncertainties within measurements. Next up we looked at the Doppler effect which I’d asked them to think about last week, I’m not sure if they were laughing with me or at me with my racing car impersonations. We also looked at the image produced by a plane mirror to show it exists the same distance behind the mirror as the actual image is in front. Homework is a quiz on edmodo and to make some progress on their report for the practical – this will be finished over the holidays, it contains some research into musical instruments and resonance frequencies.

Thursday Week 10

10 B Science: The video allowed us to recap our learning throughout this topic and elicited comments from the students on the topic. Next up was the big attempt to get the class up so that they could post on this blog. The students who previously signed up for their own blog had forgotten their passwords so despite the fact I’d put them on posting privileges on this site they had to re-register. I tried to use iPads as they reliably connect to the network and hence the internet. This worked well until the students were required to prove they were human, a function not supported by the iPads. Undaunted I rolled out the netbooks and again when they logged in, after the usual delay, things went well until they were required to prove they were human. This bit took the remaining twenty minutes of lesson time to load (or not load). So in the end I’ve added two students to this blog. One now has a published short blog, the other is still in draft form and awaiting completion. In exasperation I set the rest of the class homework to sign up to edublogs.

10 F Science: What learning did we accomplish this lesson? Well I did get to review the role of energy transfers in removing speed from a car in a crash – particularly through braking and crumple zones on cars. After two weeks of only one group being involved in crashing the carts and modifying them to make them safer I’ve decided to move on. I’ll do another summary next lesson and begin the process of communicating laboratory and chemical safety ideas to them. I have to look at ways of changing their head set from education is something that is done to you.

Stage 2 Physics Tute: Spent quite a deal of time unpacking what they needed to do for their practical report. Cliff Rothenberg has given them a hand out to help with writing a practical report according to the standards. Pretty much matched the stuff we do in Chemistry only in a general form. We did a little revision for their up coming test and covered some more of the questions around electric fields.

During the above tute I have one of the Stage 1 students work on their Physics as he is unable to make our Friday class – he worked on the practical around determining the speed of sound using resonance frequencies. His result was pretty close to actual value.

First student contribution from 10 B Science

After doing experiments involving a cart and dummy I have noticed a few things:

If there is no safety protection in the car like a seat belt and bumper, the person riding in the car will suffer huge injuries compared to if there was.

After the second experiment once we added a seat belt and bumper to the cart, we noticed there was no injuries to the barbie (head didn’t fall off and it stayed in its seat).

We watched some videos in class and this made me realise the motion energy turns into heat energy when the brakes are applied. Just like when a car crash occurs the energy of the cars crumbling turns into heat.

Wednesday Week 10

I spent most of the morning at SMAF “helping” with the Physics practical. I’m not sure that I didn’t get more in the way!

Stage 1 Physics: I set them a worksheet task around resonance, as we’ll be using that in Friday’s practical. The report back was that they worked well on the task.

10 F Science: They had a worksheet task around stopping distance where I’d done the calculations for them and they had to identify and generalise. Apparently they were not well behaved.

8F Science: First part of the lesson was me demonstrating some of the processes of weathering through rapidly heating and cooling rock (I used granite because rocks with big crystals worked well) and then physical weathering. I then demonstrated the process of erosion (washing away the particles with water or blowing away with wind) and afterwards I gave the class jars in which they placed various sediments, mixed them with water and observed the process of sedimentation (I think I’ll use more gravel next time). Then on to the writing task which we did in the library – much more comfortable. This is an essay with the title “What are Rocks”. The students, except for a few, struggled with the idea that despite the fact I’d hardly taught them anything they did know something about rocks. eventually we got out the ideas about the things they see rocks used for, where they find them and how people interact with them and the essays began to take shape. There were some short ones and a good few which are only just started but I think the task is doing its job. At the end of this unit I’ll get them to write another essay with exactly the same title as my “test” for this unit – they should know that they know more by that time. The class had a planning scaffold for the material to put in their essay and a list of words to use to link everything together. Becoming a Geologist Homework was set to increase their collection of rocks and take some images that show where weathering has taken place and email them to me (

By the way the long weekend got hectic with my parent’s fiftieth anniversary so I didn’t get to the metamorphic smartie practical. It’ll have to be this weekend instead.

Tuesday Week 10

Back after the Easter Long Weekend

Stage 1 Physics: Had a lot to jam in to today’s lesson and it didn’t all fit. Students appeared to be a little lost after the weekend and I’d had a sleepless night so we made a good combination. We discussed the idea of resonance and looked at a couple of examples such as a guitar and using a tuning fork to vibrate a wire. Practicals came from Senior Physics ! Prac book. We’re going to use resonance again to calculate the speed of sound in our assessed practical on Friday. The students also started to look at colour and what it means by shining different colours of light onto different coloured surfaces and examining the outcomes (the mini dark rooms I made last year came in handy here). We also had another go at superposition and we will need another go too. This time I’ll photocopy off the starting waves to speed up the process. We didn’t get to do the reflection in a plane mirror practical so I’ll have to elbow that in somewhere else.

10 B Science: I think this was our last lesson on developing safety features for a trolley to protect the crash test dummy. I think those students who were going to progress through the task have (most of the class) and those who only wanted to spectate have achieved that too. I’ll finish off with a summary of our learning (through a cool video from Clickview) and get them to blog about their learning in this topic on this blog. I wonder if it will cope with lots of people trying to input at the same time or whether I need to stagger it – another learning experience. Back to the crash tests – there were some thorough analysis from the class – the Video Physics app with its graph drawing function was extremely useful (now if it would only transfer to the graphical app like it does on my iPad it would be perfect) and there were good designs for safety features and insight into how they work even relating to Newton’s laws. My job now is to post some of the videos and reports here. There is still a group in the class who find it difficult to only derive some learning from their “play” so the summary will be largely aimed at them. Next stop Chemistry and the Periodic Table. I’ve only had six students do the online quiz homework. 🙁 I did deal with most of the incorrect answers in class today as I was getting the class to think about their investigation.

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